Bird Organ – for ceramic flutes (2023)

The Bird Organ is a sound installation consisting of 20+ handmade ceramic bird flutes made by ceramist Katrine Würtz and Sandra Boss. The birds are played automatically through a MIDI-controlled air blower system.

The Bird Organ was made as part of the exhibition SIGNALER at Stevns Fyrcenter 2023, which is a place that contains an exhibition of stuffed birds showing the birds living along the cliffs of Stevns, Denmark. Due to the climate changes the local bird population is changing drastically these years. In this context, the bird organ stands as an apocalyptic choir of birds from a near future.

The Bird Organ has also been presented at Organ Sound Art Festival 2023.


The Bird Organ is supported by Statens Kunstfond, Koda, Stevns Kommune and Augustinus Fonden.