Upcoming events:


January 13: Let Me Eat You, for Horn, Trombone and Tuba, Ensemble Musikfabrik, Cologne, DE

April 12: ATEM, for pipe organ, Archipel Festival, Geneva, CH

May 17 + 18: Sustained Effort, for accordion, SPOR Festival, DK

June 20: The Bird Organ, installation and performance, Le Bon Accueil, Renne, FR



August 30+31: Mother Soldier, site specific work for percussion trio, KIN festival, Sydhavns Teater, DK

August 31-September 2: Participation in the visiting programme of Month of Contemporary Music, Berlin, DE

September 7: Mother Soldier, site specific work for percussion trio, RAS, Sandnes, NO

October 11: SYV LAG, for choir and voice, with poet Julie Sten-Knudsen, Lyd+Litteraturfestival, Aarhus, DK

November 2: ÆTER, for stringed instruments and ebows, Nordic Music Days, Edinburgh, Scotland





May 17+18:  Mother Soldier, site specific work for percussion trio, Stevnsfortet, Rødvig Stevns, DK

May 25: Mother Soldier, site specific work for percussion trio, SPOR Festival, Aarhus, DK



October 13, 2023: Sorte Negle, for classical guitar, performed by Jonas Egholm, presented by Esbjerg Ensemble, Musikhuset Esbjerg, DK

October 20, 2023:  ATEM, new work for MIDI-controlled church organ, Vancouver New Music Festival, Canada

December 2, 2023: The Bird Organ, Organ Sound Art Festival, Copenhagen, DK

09.01-22.01.: Artist residency at IAC, Malmö, Sweden

24.01-26.01: Guest lecturer, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts

08.02.: New works ÆTER and BØLGER for Ensemble Lydenskab, premiere at DOK1, Aarhus, DK

28.03-10.04.: Guest lecturer, The Danish National School of Performing Arts, Copenhagen, DK

16.3.: Artist talk, ES21, Art Music Denmark, Musikhuset, Denmark

21.04.: New sound installation for The Round Tower, Copenhagen

4.05.: The Bird Organ, co-lab with Katrine Würtz,  installation, Stevns Lighthouse, DK



19.1: Artist Talk, Danish National Academy of Music, Esbjerg, DK

6.3: SOL OP, 12″ lp, Sandra Boss, Anders Meldgaard and Jonas Olesen, Release party at Øen, Copenhagen

14.-18.3: Guest Lecturer at The Danish National School of Performing Arts (DASPA)

29.4: Release of boxset Tuning the Ear, Storrs Antikvariat, Copenhagen, DK

25.5.2022: New piece for solo percussion, “Mother Soldier”, written for Irene Bianco, Literaturhaus, Copenhagen

8.9.2022: “Piece for Ears (for two performers), premiere, Mayhem, Copenhagen, DK

10.9.2022: “Syv lag” – audio-poetry-performance, with poet Julie Sten-Knudsen, Stevns Litteraturfestival

18.05.2022: Sandra Boss receives the 3-year working grant from the Danish Arts Foundation

2.10.2022: “LUFT” – new work for pibe organ, Future Stops Festival, Toronto, Canada



25.11.2021: Performance at MIR, Oslo, Norway

12-14.11.2021: Performance at SOG – INNOVATIVE MUSIK, Kulturwerkstatt Auf AEG, Nürnberg, DE

18.10: Guest lecturer at The Danish National School of Performing Arts (DASPA)

18.10.2021: Premiere Salens Stemmer, a permanent 8-speaker installation at The Workers’ Museum, Denmark

8.10.2021:Performance at RADAR, Aarhus, DK (cancelled)

1.10.2021: Tuning the Ear, artist book made in collaboration with graphic designer Bitten Fangel

23.9. 2021: Performance at Seanaps Festival, Leipzig, DE

15.9.2021: SYV LAG, audio-book w. poet Julie Sten-Knudsen, Poetisk Podcast




18.12.2020: “LUFT”, MIDI-Organ performance, Organ Sound Art Festival, Copenhagen, DK

12.12.2020: Maskinel Terapi – live performance w. Jonas Olesen, Det Fynske Kunstakademi, Odense, DK (post-poned due to Covid-19)

14.11-15.11.2020: SYNDFLODEN by Vontrapp and Talent Holbæk, 4 site specific performances at Holbæk Harbour, DK

30.10-3.11.2020: Workshop w. Duo Dubois, Hertzbreakers, Malmö, Sweden

22.10.2020: Artist Talk, DIEM (Danish Institute of Electronic Music), Aarhus, DK

13.9.2020: “LUFT”, MIDI-Organ performance, Festival of Endless Gratitude, Koncertkirken, Copenhagen, DK

30.7–1.8: SYNDFLODEN – a site specifik audio-visual performance, The Dry Dock, Elsinore, DK

22.6: “LUFT”, sound installation and performance for MIDI-controlled pipe organ, Festival FK:K, Bamberg, DE – post-poned due to Covid-19



14.12: Tonni Claire – Kosmiske Ambitioner, 12″ vinyl, release at Christianshavns Beboerhus

4.12: Workshop SYNDFLODEN, Fanclub Dance & Vontrapp at Maritime Museum of Denmark

22.08 – 07.09: Carillon Sound installation, in collaboration with Jonas Olesen, Art Centre Regelbau 411, Struer Tracks, Struer (DK)

31.5: Solo performance, Blurred Edges – Festival für Aktuelle Musik, Hamborg (DE)

25.5: Work for Sinfonietta, Aarhus Sinfonietta, Aarhus Kunsthal (DK)

8.4.-12.4: Artist residency at HAUT, collaboration between Vontrapp and dance collective Fanclub

7.3: PhD defense – TUNING THE EAR, Department of Arts, Aarhus University

4.3: Performance for soprano voice and tone generator, with Katinka Fogh Vindelev, WOWOWOW – FANCLUB, Koncertkirken, Copenhagen

6.1: Sustained Effort – music for elongated accordian, performance with Ea Borre, Den Frie, Copenhagen

16.1: Maskinel Terapi (w. Jonas Olesen), Akusmata – Polyphonic event, Vuotalo, Helsinki, FI



12.12: Film launch, mini documentary on the organ music of Sandra Boss, Peryton, Copenhagen

15.11: NEW LP OUT: The Acoustic Appraiser – Music for an Audiometer

12.10: Maskinel Terapi (J. Olesen & S. Boss), Kunsthal Aarhus, DK

26.9: The Acoustic Appraiser – music for an audiometer, Iklectic, London, UK

1.9: The inauguration of Tonni Claire – A dream of Cosmic Ambitions
Sandra Boss & Jonas Olesen, Kunsthal Ved Siden Af, Svendborg, DK

16.6: Organism, installation/concert for deconstructed organ, Speicher II, Berlin, DE

17.5: Organ Trio w. Jonas Olesen & Anders Meldgaard, Koncertkirken, Copenhagen, DK

2.5: Organ Trio w. Jonas Olesen & Anders Meldgaard, Christianshavns beboerhus, Copenhagen, DK

13.3: SUPER FERRO DYNAMIC MOMENTS, tape music, released by Cønjuntø Vacíø (ES)

3.3: The Acoustic Appraiser, Fritt Fall, Oslo, NO

2.3: The Acoustic Appraiser, KRAAK Festival, Brussels, BE

30.1: New track “Piece for Fog Horns” out on Båndmagasinet, The Lake/Resonans

26.1: The Acoustic Appraiser, Detritus Festival, Onassis Cultural Centre, Athens, GR

20.1: New tape out on FALT – music for MIDI-controlled organ



30.11: New track “Piece for Fog Horns” out on Båndmagasinet, The Lake/Resonans

18.10: The Acoustic Appraiser – music for an audiometer,  LUFF Festival, Lausanne, CH

17.9: Shouting Out Loud!, Slipshavnen, Nyborg, DK

14.9: Artist Collective Vontrapp presents: “En sten fra hjertet”, Trinitatis Church, Copenhagen, DK

13.9: Artist Collective Vontrapp presents: “En sten fra hjertet”, Roskilde Cathedral, DK

10.9: Shouting Out Loud!– music for fog horns, collaboration with architect Ina Hjort and visual artist Katrine Würtz Hansen, Slipshavnen, Nyborg, DK7.9: Artist Collective Vontrapp presents: “En sten fra hjertet”, Haderslev Cathedral, DK21.5.17: Maskinel Terapi (S. Boss & J. Olesen), MIIT House, Osaka, JP

9.9.17: Artist Collective Vontrapp presents: “En sten fra hjertet”, Haderslev Cathedral, DK

9.6: Awarded the Talent Price 2017 from Carl Nielsen & Anne Marie Carl Nielsen Grant

17.5.17: Maskinel Terapi (S. Boss & J. Olesen), Super Deluxe, Tokyo, JP

15.5.17: Maskinel Terapi (S. Boss & J. Olesen), SOTO, Kyoto, JP

14.5.17: Maskinel Terapi (S. Boss & J. Olesen), Paradise Air, Matsudo, JP

12.5.17: Sustained effort, piece for extended accordion, collaboration with visual artist Ea Borre, Spor Festival, Aarhus, DK

11.5.17: Sustained effort, piece for extended accordion, collaboration with visual artist Ea Borre, Spor Festival, Aarhus, DK

30.4.17: Maskinel Terapi, Lydhør på en søndag, Aarhus, DK

23.3.17: Artist Presentation, The Royal Academy of Music, Aarhus

21.3.17: Artist Presentation, University of Aarhus, DK

25.2.17: Sandra Boss & Jeppe Højgaard, Stengade, Copenhagen, DK

23.2.17: Solo performance, Gallery X & Beyond, Copenhagen, DK

14.1.17: SOUNDINGS #1: Francisco Meirino (ch), Sandra Boss, Claus Haxholm, H15, Copenhagen



2.12.16: Album release “EMP RMX 333” – a tribute to Danish electronic pioneer Else Marie Pade

19.12.16: Maskinel Terapi – live concert presented by HAUT in collaboration with AKT1

6.10.2016: Live performance, Acoustic Appraiser, Kommunal Kunst & Teknik, Copenhagen, DK

3.10.2016: Participating in Curatorium Festival with the piece Tuned Deaf

2.10.2016: Live performance with Jeppe Højgaard, SYNC Sessions, Copenhagen, DK

21.9: “Glemte Drømme” – theme music for the podcast series PLUS EN at

6.9: B&O recording session, Mill Factory, KBH

27.8: Electronic organs, concert w. Jonas Olesen, Vice versa, Flux Festival, Aarhus

1.8.: Release: “TERRÆN”, out on Thalamos (GR)

7.7: Zither concert w. Jonas Olesen, Bastionen, KBH

2.7: Live concert, Escho/Mayhem-scenen, Roskilde Festival

2.6: Suite for Midi Organ, live performance, Distortion Festival, Copenhagen

27.5: Sandra Boss & Jonas Olesen + Simon Toldam, Organ Sound Art Festival, Copenhagen

16.5: Vidnesbyrd, podcast and installation, produced in collaboration with Hanne Budtz-Jørgensen, Dagbladet Information/Charlottenborg, DK

11.5: Maskinel Terapi, live sound collage for answering machine tapes, with Jonas Olesen, Christianshavns beboerhus, Copenhagen

19.2: The Acoustic Appraiser, live performance, Mayhem, Copenhagen

13.1: The Acoustic Appraiser, live performance, Kunsthal Aarhus


2.6: Voices – live electronic performance with Marybell Katastrophy
celebrating 100 years of women’s right to vote, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen

13.5: Voices – live electronic performance with Marybell Katastrophy, Museet for Samtidskunst, Roskilde

10.5:  Presenting DCMC (Danish Computer Music Confederation), live concert playing obsolete computers, in collaboration with Morten Riis, Jonas Olesen, Vectral, Vox & Jonas Kirkegaard, SPOR Festival, Aarhus

9.5: Release party Perfekt Termisk, Storrs Antikvariat, Copenhagen

28.4: Mobile organ performance, Illutron, Copenhagen


14.11: Aural Art Disco
Statens Museum for kunst, Copenhagen

4.-9.9: En håndfuld støv – an audiovisual echo of T.S. Elliot’s Wasteland
A Vontrapp production, Cisternerne, Søndermarken, Copenhagen

29.3: Psalm Cycle, Café Oto, London UK, concert for 7 organs, in collaboration with Jonas Olesen, Joe Snape, Michael Cutting and Søren Kjærgaard.

14.3: Mixtur for 7 orgler, Sct. Andreas kirken, Copenhagen, concert for 7 organs, in collaboration with Jonas Olesen


27.9: Media Chain – live performance with Jonas Olesen
LAK – Festival for Nordic Sound Art, Copenhagen DK

13.9: Media Chain – – live performance with Jonas Olesen
Open Days – new music & sound art, Aalborg, DK

16.8: Love machine – Solo live set
STRØM Festival, Bryggebroen, CPH, DK, also performing Søs Gunver, Bjørn Svin (DK)
& Christian Vogel (DE)

Elektronisk live set i samarbejde med Jonas Olesen

5.6: Dublet – piece for church organ and electronics
Blågårdskirken, København N, kl. 21.00

‘Dublet’ – Værk for kirkeorgel / Sandra Boss & Jonas Olesen

29.5: Lytteren i værket
Seminar & concert at Copenhagen University, Institut for Kunst- og Kulturvidenskab, Københavns Universititet, Dramasalen (5. Sal), Karen Blixens Vej 1, 2300 København,
kl. 14:00 – 17:00.

11.5: RE:Partita for Unattented Computer
SPOR Festival, Sound Installation for Macintosh SE, System 7
Kl. 12.00-17.00, Splab, Aarhus

4.5: Lydrejse 1913-2013, Den Sorte Diamant
Sandra Boss: Organum (gramophones, tape, tone generators and organ music)
Sandra Boss & Jonas Olesen: Cirkler (tone generators and tape loops)

6.4: RAMA Festival, Musikhuset
Sandra Boss & Kati Linek: Saw & Sinus
Sandra Boss og André Falsig: Den tredja hjärna 1996 (The third brain 1996)


21.12: Christmas at Musicology – A Sound Installation
Sandra Boss, Jonas Olesen, Flopper & Henrik Busk (Tape machines and giant loop)Musicology, University of Copenhagen.

21.11: DIEM Elektro, Aarhus
Performance with magnetic tape and tone generators.

4.11: KKI Laboratorium, Flensborg
Live performance with Jonas

14.9 – 22.9: Bevar mig vel
A binaural sound walk through Copenhagen’s first skyscrapers Bellahøj.

8.9: LAK Festival
Performing with tapes at LAK festival, Prags Boulevard, COPENHAGEN, DK.

3.7 + 4.7: Roskilde Festival
Sound impro/installation with Jonas Olesen and Maulex at Rillbar, Roskilde Festival.

SPOT, Dying Dyveke – soundperformance, collaboration with Katinka Fogh Vindelev.

DIEM Elektro, Rytmisk sal, Musikhuset, Århus

RAMA festival, Musikhuset, Århus

Husets Puls, Reel to reel sound installation at Huset i Magstræde, Copenhagen.

22.3: Performing at Pulsar Festival (postponed)


11.11 – 19.11: Et Drømmehus
Sound and music for the theatre play Et Drømmehus by MAKværk.

22.9: Under Broen
4-speaker installation for the bridge at Brabrand Stien in Aarhus, DK. Concert arranged by AUT.

28.7-31.7: Trailerpark Festival
Performance with soprano Katinka Fogh Vindelev and modern dancers Marie Topp and Emma-Cecilia Ajanki. The sound is experienced through mobile speakers attached to the dancers’ bodies. Trailerpark Festival, Copenhagen Skate Park, Copenhagen, Denmark.

29.4 – 1.5: Jeg er her
Sound installation for the isolated ear. The sound work is experienced through old telephones placed around the foyer in Aarhus Musikhus during the RAMA Festival 2011.
18.-25.3: A Dream Play
“A Dream Play” by August Strindberg, Entré Scenen, Aarhus. Directed by Hanne Friis and Freeze Productions. Sound and music by Sandra Boss.

10.3: Kulturo #32 Release
Warehouse 9, Copenhagen. Kulturo is a magazine exploring fields between art, litterature, politics and culture studies. This issue is on sounds, and features a record with contributions from Danish sound artists, such as Jacob Kirkegaard, Tracie Morris and Rune Søchting.


26.8: I Havn, 4 channel sound installation, made for the old wooden boat at Copenhagen Harbour. Invited by the Copenhagen poetry collective, KUP.

13.5: Mand dig op
Den grå hal, Copenhagen. Audio-visual installation. 8 speaker setup. Collaboration with HA!Belleblonde.

20.12: Bang og/eller
live performance, SPLAB, Aarhus