Mother Soldier is a performance for three percussionists. The performance reinterpretates the march drum as a timbral and cultural symbol.

Historically, the march drum has been an instrument of the patriarchy, invented as a utility instrument to be used in times of war. The march drum has served to transform orders of officers into auditive signals that were audible across long distances. When the march drum hangs from the body of a women, this instrument suddenly gets new connotations.

In Mother Soldier, the heavy march drum has been exchanged with a light frame drum and the cymbal has been replaced with a gong.

War and women are usually seen as opposites. Women give life, war takes life. Yet history has produced a wealth of female warriors, from the Greek Amazons to Joan of Arc to today’s female warriors in the world’s hotspots. Mother Soldier is a music-dramatic work for three female percussionists that depicts women’s war as it has unfolded both in the home and on the battlefield.

Stevnsfortet, Rødvig Stevns, DK: May 17 + 18

SPOR Festival, Aarhus, DK:  May 25

KIN Festival, CPH, DK: August 30+31

RAS, Sandnes, NO: September 16


Artistic Director and Composer: Sandra Boss
Dramaturg: Astrid Hansen Holm
Percussionists: Irene Bianco, Marta Soggetti, Sara Nigard Rosendal
Choreographer: Simone Wierød
Choreographical Consultants: Jon Skullberg, Thomas Duvander, Carolina Backman
Costume Design: Stina Resting
Light Design: Rosa Birkedal
Producer: Nikoline Jørgensen
Graphic Designer: Andreas K. Rasmussen
Photographer: Julia Severinsen
Video: Tom McKenzie

A production by: Datterselskabet

Supported by: 

Statens Kunstfond, Nordisk Kulturfond, Augustinus Fonden, Wilhelm Hansen Fonden, KODA, Knud Højgaards Fond, William Demant Fonden, Stevns Kommune, Stevns Turistforening, Aage og Johanne Louis-Hansens Fond, Den Obelske Familiefond


Special Thanks to:
Stevnsfortet, IAC Malmö, Lene Vestergaard, The Rosenborg Barracks & The Royal Lifeguards’ Tambour Corps under the direction of Thomas Duvander